Monday, December 24, 2018

Why an Employee Feedback Program is Essential for Your Startup Business

Are you planning to build a startup? Of course, there is no single formula for startup success. However, an employee feedback program can help you to unlock startup growth potential

Often, a startup has few, if any, employees when compared to established companies. When your business consists of only a handful of people, it may seem outlandish to conduct an employee feedback survey. In actuality, it is a great idea to set up a feedback program early to start finding the improvement areas, increase engagement, and simplyjust providing a voice to employees in such a critical stage.
With the help of surveys, employees are able to freely share their opinions. In other words, it allows employees to raise their concerns and helps them feel as if someone is listening. Thus, an employee opinion survey is one of the most effective platforms to hear the opinions and concerns of your employees and will, in the long run, help make a better working environment for them (the last thing you want to do us to lose staff in such a crucial stage of your business formation!).
Just conducting a feedback survey is not enough. It is imperative to act on the survey responses and learn from which areas you, as the employer, need to focus on to improve the quality of the workplace. Satisfied employees are more motivated to do a better job and are more likely to stay.
As an added bonus, you will be able to discover key business development ideas. After analysis, speak with your employees about the positive ideas that could help the company attract and retain more talent who cares about the organizations future and goals. Your actual goal is to seek people that care about more than just a paycheck. Regular surveys help demonstrate the commitment of your organization towards the employees, which in turn attracts more of the people you want working for you.
So, what are you waiting for? Conduct an employee engagement survey now.  
Visit Ambivista for help keeping your employee engagement survey short and to the point. As a renowned survey-consulting firm, Ambivista can help you gauge your organizations performance and success through an effective survey. For more information, feel free to visit

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