Monday, June 10, 2019

How Often You Should Conduct Employee Satisfaction Survey in Your Organization

Indeed, conducting a survey is an effective way to gather valuable insights from your employees. 

To identify key priorities for improving employee engagement, you need to conduct employee surveys regularly. Research has shown that organizations that survey their employees more frequently report having higher levels of satisfaction and employee engagement than organizations with less frequent surveys.

 For organizations with a longer survey feedback cycle, it is recommended to conduct the surveys at least once a year to keep the business focused and improve engagement. Conducting the survey at least annually is a good idea as it provides adequate time since your previous survey to communicate and act on the feedback. 

Shorter ‘pulse surveys’, which normally involve a sample of employees, are conducted more regularly (e.g., weekly, monthly, or every quarter) and can help track progress in key areas. The best practice is to compliment pulse surveys with ongoing feedback alongside a traditional ‘all employee’ survey to improve employee engagement. 

To help you along the way, seek out the best survey software, which should be flexible, modern, and online—ultimately helping you to automate the survey process to obtain quality insights. 

Are you looking for the best survey software that can help you conducting surveys? Ambivista is at your service. Our seasoned professionals will handle everything for you and your organization, from strategy to execution. To create great surveys and uncover insights from customers and employees choose our online survey services that include survey questionnaire design and survey administration. 

The Ambivista experts will design your custom questionnaire in such a way that you will get the data you truly need. We handle our entire survey projects completely from strategy to execution.

To learn more, feel free to visit